TODO Group is proud to announce a new OSPO Mind Map version release. The mind map shows a Open Source Program Office's (OSPO) responsibilities, roles, behavior, and team size within an organization. This post highlights the major improvements done by the community in this new version of the OSPO Mind Map.
Updates on Responsibilities section OSPO Mind Map Responsibilities section has new OSPO-specific topics and different sub-sections defined, including:
📘 Develop and Execute Open Source Strategy
June 10, 2022
Ana Jimenez Santamaria
(The Linux Foudation)
On June, Thursday 9th I had the honor to be one of the panelists in the expert-led discussion OSPOs in action. The audience was able to learn from VMware, Comcast, Porsche, and Bloomberg's open source leaders to better understand the value of the OSPO, and where to get started. The aim of this article is to encapsulate my key learnings taken from the webinar, to help the open source community on their OSPO journey.
March 23, 2022
Josep Prat
This time around we feature Josep Prat (@jlprat) from Aiven on how to convince your manager to start an OSPO at your company.
Recently, I was asked by an ex-colleague to explain how they could convince management to create an OSPO at their company. This is a very interesting question, with several possible answers, that I think deserves a proper write down. Here’s my view on the matter:
One Size Doesn’t Fit All First of all, you need to find out which kind of Open Source Program Office you want/need.
The TODO Group, together with Linux Foundation Research, is conducting a survey as part of a research project on the prevalence and outcomes of open source programs among different organizations across the globe.
Open source program offices (OSPOs) help set open source strategies and improve an organization’s software development practices. Since 2018, the TODO Group has conducted surveys to assess the state of open source programs across the industry. Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of the 2022 edition featuring additional questions to add value to the community.
More than a couple of decades into the OSPO movement, the role of the OSPO and similar open source initiatives have grown to become a central source of expertise and a strong voice in developing and implementing technology strategy at the world’s forward-thinking companies. The TODO Group, in collaboration with Linux Foundation Research, is pleased to release a new whitepaper, The Evolution of the Open Source Program Office. We hope this work provides guidance and a way to better frame and visualize the OSPO ecosystem complexity and provide a roadmap to ease OSPO planning and adoption
TODO Steering Committee is composed of global Open Source leaders and OSPO professionals from a diverse range of industries. Now that the 2021 election has been completed, we are proud to introduce the new Steering Committee members for 2022:
Ashley Wolf - GitHub Dawn Foster - VMware Shilla Saebi - Comcast Stephen Augustus - Cisco Stephen Jacobs - RIT Thomas Steenbergen - EPAM VM (Vicky) Brasseur - Wipro Meet the Steering Commitee Here is a short bio from each of the 2022 TODO Steering Committee representatives.
In 2021, we’ve seen a growing number of organizations across all sizes and sectors (both private and public) investing in Open Source Programs more than ever. This blog post captures the 2021 TODO important milestones and OSPO trends in 2022.
Introduction OSPO growth requires bigger efforts on education and support from the open-source communities. At TODO Group, we’ve been focused on continuing to expand OSPO adoption worldwide and providing support and guidance to the broader community, building new networking spaces such as OSPOCon or OSPOlogy, investing in OSPO research like our yearly Survey, or bringing monthly updates about OSPO trends through OSPONews.
Goldman Sachs joins the TODO Group as part of launching an Open Source Program Office (OSPO), to accelerate its investment in open source and innovation.
Goldman Sachs has been contributing to open source for nearly a decade, finding new ways to advance in their Open Source journey. In August, Goldman Sachs formalized its commitment to open source and created an Open Source Program Office (OSPO).
As we have seen work well at other companies, having a single team responsible for the open source strategy will allow us to accelerate and deepen our investment in open source.
November 24, 2021
Ana Jimenez Santamaria
(The Linux Foudation)
Open source initiatives provide companies with proven, successful models to collaborate with other companies, create new technologies, and support the development of new technical communities. Companies across many industries are creating Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) composed of highly skilled individuals to help them drive for a leadership position in open source projects and gain a critical footprint in this external R&D ecosystem.
How can OSPOs work as a pattern of innovation to gain sustainable competitive advantage?
A critical element of any business or product strategy that includes the use of open source software is the reinvestment of resources into the projects on which that strategy relies. This can lead to the creation of open source commercial ecosystems, which contribute to the viability and long-term sustainability for those projects. However, before a company will invest resources it must first have confidence in a project’s future prospects such that they’re willing to build commercial dependencies upon it.