Virtual Meetings


Touchpoints are collaborative sessions designed to foster a safe and open environment for the community to share experiences and explore best practices in open source program management. These sessions also explore its impact and relationship with cross-disciplinary themes, including security, AI infrastructure, compliance, community health, business strategy, and more. Touchpoints are offered in two different timeframes to ensure geographic availability:

Confirmed Sessions 2025

The agenda will be updated as new speakers, topics, and tags are confirmed.

Confirmed sessions are shared in TODO Group Community Calendar. More information about the format and program can be found in the ospology repo

Archived OSPOlogy Webinars

Working Groups

There are three active working groups on concrete areas of focus:

OSPO Book Working GroupCHAOSS OSPO MetricsOpen Source in Business
Working RepoWorking repoWorking repoWorking repo
Communication ChannelsMailing ListTODO Slack #wg-ospometrics-chaossTODO Slack wg-oss-in-business


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Other Calendars of Interest

TODO is one of the pillars of the open source management and operations best practices ecosystem at the Linux Foundation. We work with sister projects like SPDX (Software Bill Of Material automation tooling and best practices), OpenSSF (Security best practices, training and tools), OpenChain (Process Management Standards), FINOS (best practices for financial services) and CHAOSS (Project / Community health and sustainability metrics). For more info, visit the LF Management & Best Practices Portal, where communities of Best Practice converge.

Bellow, people can find the OpenSSF, OpenChain, and CHAOSS Calendars